Tuesday, August 5

Wikipedia evolution

I just added Orange curtain to the Wikipedia. While there, I nosed around my earlier submission (Metroplex) and was amazed at how much has been added, since I created it -- one month ago today. There is now a lot of what I consider editorializing in that entry, while it started very matter-of-factly. Since the Dallas crime statistics have been in the news lately, I added a line to the Metroplex entry: "Dallas' crime rate has ranked No. 1 among the nation's largest cities for the past five years (1998-2003)."

Note to self: return to my Orange curtain Wikipedia entry in a few weeks, to see how it has evolved.

Today (thanks to yet another Off-Topic pointer on Good Morning Silicon Valley), I wandered across the Periodic Table of Condiments (PToC, no relation to the Condiment Packet Museum, to which I contributed some stuff, several months ago).

The PToC reminds me of another potential roadtrip, this one to The Corn Palace (in Mitchell, South Dakota). I must be careful, though .. the idea of such a breathtaking place could send me into cardiac arrest. The Corn Palace Festival is scheduled later this month. Woo hoo!

Speaking of condiments, I considered going to Mount Horeb, Wisconsin last weekend to celebrate the joy that is National Mustard Day, but I didn't think about it until 9:30 that morning .. a bit late to fly to Madison (Gateway to the World), rent a car, etc.

and finally (mercifully?), I spotted an article on The Onion® that transects my love life: I'm Sorry, But I Only Date Men My Friends Are Afraid Might Kill Me

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