Sunday, November 30


Unexpected side-by-side results have always amused me.

I remember going to a double-feature (remember those?) in 1985. It was one of those shopping-mall-megaplexes where they have a large number of small screens, each seating maybe 100 people. Anyhoo, the double feature was Weird Science and Real Genius. Being a very small theatre, the marquee above the door was equally small, so the geniuses at the theatre abbreviated the double-feature: REAL WEIRD

Yesterday, I thought about this as I was treated to a handbill juxtaposition. Handbills - you know, those door-hanger advertisements that are thoughtfully affixed to your front doorknob (by highly trained Members Of Society) with tape, friction, or (my least favorite) rubber bands. For the past year, I've collected handbills (they're not just pizza coupons) into a growing pile. Yesterday, the same rubber band combined Dell Computer and a Dog Poop Collection service.

And then (maybe this just hit me funny) the sign outside Oxmoor Center (Louisville Kentucky) which said:

Jewish Hospital

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