Tuesday, November 2

ahead of the curve

I sometimes wondered how the assassination of one (1) man sparked World War I, eventually resulting in the deaths of 12.5 million [e].

[e] = estimated

Then I think about 9/11, and how 19 terrorists sparked 3,023 US civilian deaths (9/11 directly); (at latest count) 1,123 US soldiers in Iraq; 30,000 Iraqi soldiers [e]; 14,000-100,000 [e] Iraqi civilians; 12,000 [e] dead in Afghanistan.
World War I - one death sparks           12,500,000 deaths 

(8.5 million soldiers, 4 million civilians)

9/11 3,023 deaths result in to 143,000 deaths
Conclusion: we're way ahead of the curve, and shouldn't worry ourselves with the body count. The ratios are still very positive! And after all, they're just Iraqis (certainly not humans) and not worth as much as any ONE of the 3,023 that they killed in 2001.

As of this writing, it looks like GWB's corrupt regime will be in power for another 4 years (and thus responsible for anywhere from 100,000 - 20 million more dead [once Iran perfects their nukes]).

It'll be interesting to hear the inevitable anecdotes of voter fraud in the coming days, but it would be foolish to expect those to change the outcome. We've obviously concluded (after the 2004 Bush Mandate) that we're quite comfortable in the role of World Bully, and everyone should just move aside.

This stature will make visits to Euro Disney; Harrod's Department Store; the Coliseum; the Parthenon; the Australian Outback; the Great Wall of China; Mount Kilimanjaro etc. much more pleasant, as we can now shove our way to the front of every line, saying "we're Americans - get out of our way!" and all those stupid foreigners will cower in fear!

I wonder how the Canadian Real Estate market will weather the millions of Democrats who want to move north?


Q- what do the following have in common?
CES Votomatic; Datavote; PBC Counter; Pollstar; Punch Card; Vote Recorder.

A- They are makers of punch card ballots (to be rendered obsolete under HAVA - the Help America Vote Act of 2002).

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