Monday, May 30

Moyers declared "Texan of the Year 2005"*

There are a few Texans for whom I have a lot of respect. Bill Moyers is one of them; he shoots straighter than most anyone I've ever heard, and his May 2005 speech to the National Conference for Media Reform is an absolute must-read (if you didn't TiVo it, as I did). If you look carefully on the site, you'll find a link to the 45-minute downloadable video of the speech, which is better since Moyers' subtleties don't always come through in the printed transcript.

Bill Moyers

One of the nice things about TiVo is the ability to flag stuff for deletion "only when I'm good and ready" and this is indeed a keeper. The now-retired Moyers is not afraid to name names, and offers a refreshing confirmation of what I've grown to understand to be the CFRP's attack on our free press, not to mention their imminent takeover of the Public Broadcasting System.

On this Memorial Day 2005, I find it only fitting to suggest that every American read what Moyers had to say earlier this month. If what he says makes you uncomfortable in your steadfast belief that the CFRP's control of all branches of government (including the Justice branch) is a good thing, then maybe he's succeeded in getting his message across.

This country needs a lot more Bill Moyers. I only hope his message to the 2500 journalists assembled in St. Louis isn't quashed by the Bush Regime's spending cuts. With Karl Rove at the helm (Everybody Knows™ that President Quagmire is merely a puppet), we can only hope He doesn't lead us into further isolationism, the us-versus-them mantra.

* okay, okay .. so Moyers was born in Oklahoma. But he got to Texas as fast as he could.
Everybody Knows is a trademark of Fox "News"; Rush Limbaugh Productions; and the Christian Fascist Republican Party.

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