Sunday, March 30

Saturday in the park

No denying that the lines to get our credentials approved was long yesterday, at the Texas Democratic Senate District 8 convention, but it was orderly. I would've arranged for at least three times as many poll workers! I brought a full-charged iPod and a couple books to read, but found myself conversing with other delegates most of the day.

Our precinct's nine Obama delegates (and a few alternates) gathered remotely as a group, but split into lines based on surname once we arrived at the convention. Then, we decided to gather instead in the "problem children" line because our paperwork from March 4 had been lost. {sigh} Needless to say, this gave our precinct a better chance to know one another, even though we'd met 2 nights before to plot strategy*
* that lasted 3 hours, although I arrived 2 hours late due to a conflicting meeting. I had to wonder how many meetings I've attended where I could arrive 2 hours late, and find that I really hadn't missed much!
Our precinct was allocated 15 delegates to this State Senate Convention; Obama led 9-6. Once we got into the Thomas Jefferson High School auditorium (complete with balcony!) the task was mostly waiting - two votes were cast in the next 3 hours (amidst occasional mini-speeches by those running for office): one for our presidential preference and the other for our precinct's lone representative to the Texas State Democratic convention - in June.

By 3pm - 7 hours after our morning rendezvous - all the convention work had been completed and we all went our separate ways (now bonded by the experience). This morning, I heard the final result from our Senate convention was 59-41 Obama, which mirrored the March 4 caucus result.

I guess it'll be time to do this again in two years, right?

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