Saturday, September 20


On Thursday, I went outside to do a bit of weeding. While out there, I must've wandered across some poisonous plant because I now have an itchy spot (complete with a red rash) on my right temple, as well as the area between my eye and eyebrow. Since I still have the grass and weeds, I looked for the obvious ("leaves of 3, let it be") poison oak but didn't see any. There are dozens (hundreds?) of poisonous plants, so I may never know which one got me.

When I went out today to do some more weeding, I wore gloves, and was careful not to even think about wiping any sweat.

I nosed around the web and decided to treat this by (a) thoroughly cleaning the area with isopropyl ("rubbing") alcohol and (b) applying Calahist™ (a Walgreens™ product) to relieve the itching. We'll see how well this does.

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