Friday, October 22

wake up and smell the bagels

I ran into John-Bob (a former co-worker) at Einstein Bros Bagels. He said I appeared to have lost weight, and asked if it was due to a Bagel Diet. I replied that I only hang around these places and smell the bagels, rather than eat them.

Indeed, I'm back to counting calories (aiming at 1500-1800 per day) to try to control both my cholesterol and That Other Minor Problem. After a few days on this routine (writing down everything I eat), I've gained 2 pounds (go figure). I saw the doctor (read: complete physical, including my first-ever EKG) on Tuesday, and he promised a suggested treatment plan by the weekend. Honestly, I'm not expected a huge change in my lifestyle, but .. we'll see. Most of the blame has to be laid at my ancestor's feet; they're the ones who gave me Lousy Genes.

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