Wednesday, October 6

liar, liar, pants on fire!

Lemme tell ya, there's a lot of web pages accusing the candidates of lying. I ran an unscientific test to see how many Google hits there were, if I searched for "John Doe " lies and (alternately) "John Doe lies". I won't be a pundit and interpret the results; rather, I'm simply posting those here for our amusement:
Google search term:"Name" lies"Name lies"
George W. Bush
(George Bush)
John Kerry426,000777
Dick Cheney156,000149
John Edwards75,50011

Republican lies675,000
Democrat lies501,500788

Worthwhile reading (after last night's Veep Debate): Pepe Escobar's article: Stretching Cheney

... and finally, Dick Cheney meant to say, but instead he said which (after some Swift [sic] redirection of a previously non-existant domain) points to an anti-Bush site. Oooooooops! -- Nice work, Dick!

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