Thursday, November 25

and the cow says? "Gobble Gobble?"

Another day, another Thanksgiving!

Seven of us gathered at my home for Thanksgiving dinner today, and a good time was had by all. Trish-Bob and her family made it all the way down from Upper Plano, while Matthew and Michael explored the nooks and crannies (not to be confused with bright red cranberry relish) of the GeBo Ranch. Kudos to Trish for (especially) her yams with special sauce!

Given all the activity (at the sub-3 foot level!) Pandora and Samantha stayed out of sight (while Beta the Wonder Dog bark-bark-barked from the backyard). HayJax did a marvelous job with turkey #1 .. meat so tender it nearly fell off the bone by itself. It was a good thing, too .. since the GeBo Ranch doesn't have proper carving equipment!

Jill-Bob made her world famous Four Way Delight, along with her first ever (!) pumpkin pie and was last seen squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing into her car for the trip back to the farm. 

I turned the remaining dishes loose on My New Friend, and I came back to check email and see that June (receptionist where I worked in Los Angeles) and Ira won a trip to Hawaii on their local radio station. Woo hoo! I've been to Hawaii at least 8 times, and tried to give them some pointers on what to see and what not to bother with ...

Please put down your carving knives .. I have updated the Sundry on Thursday blog. There's no need to get your cranberries in a bonnet.


Anonymous said...

GeBo, you don't have proper carving equipment? But your store is currently featuring a "Deluxe Game Processing Set" for $24.87. It includes all manner of knives, a bone saw, some heavy duty scissors, and some plastic gizmo I'm not familiar with. It appears to be identical to this one at the Bass Pro Shop:


Gene said...

Dear Anonymous:

so GeBo's has this set for ~$25 and I can save $5 by going to the Bass Pro shop instead? Yeee haaa! However, I am chagrined (!) that their set doesn't contain the ONE item for which I was most faulted for not having: a carving FORK!

I do admire the disclaimer, though: "The sale of all dangerous knives is restricted by law in New Jersey, New York, Michigan, California and Illinois. A dangerous knife is defined as any knife having a blade of 5" inches or more, or an overall length of 10" inches or more." Makes me feel like a felon, just possessing this stuff!

Another note: the entire set can be had for the price of my cheapest Wusthof knife. Am guessing the quality of the steel is nothing to write home about?
