Monday, November 22

it was 41 years ago today ...

November 22, 1963 was what .. 41 years ago?

People of the world: please send your extra guns to us here in America, where Everybody Knows™ that Guns Have Made Us Safer™ (unless you're one of those Liberal Democrats who believes in fairy tales like the FBI Statistics).

A Scottish company is releasing JFK Reloaded - a $10 videogame allowing you to participate in JFK's assassination here in Dallas (no relation to the documentary TV Series of the same name). Everybody Knows™ that JFK was a liberal senator from Massachusetts. `Nuff said?
Note: I've babbled about the JFK Assassination Anniversary before (see my November 2003 posting if you're into nostalgia).
JFK Reloaded may not go over well here, since those Liberal Democrats are already bent out of shape over which (for $20) lets you shoot a deer from the comfort of your high-rise office in New York City, without so much as having to rent camouflage clothing, or step in moose dung.

Lately, no one cares about the [January 1996] Texas law allowing concealed weapons; most of us are packing weapons and Everybody Knows™ it's made us A Safer America. The anti-gun crowd should read John R. Lott, Jr's inspirational text on the "issue" (as liberals would have us believe). Me, I don't understand why they don't allow us to take our guns onboard airplanes, or to an NBA game. What could go wrong?

In 2002, "Everybody Knows™ he's an anarchist" Michael Moore created the work of fiction called "Bowling for Columbine" where he fabricated a story about 2 nice boys in Colorado who playfully executed a few fellow "students". Everybody Knows™ those "students" would have died from drug overdoses or STDs anyway.

In September 2004, the assault rifle regulations were not renewed. Weeks later, the Dallas Police Department [DPD] are equipping themselves with assault rifles, because a trio of misunderstood bank robbers blasted a few DPD police cruisers with same. Hey, nobody got hurt; what's all the fuss about?

Finally, a few days ago some more New York Liberals criticized our brave soldier who shot an unarmed, wounded "Iraqi militant". That guy could've been thinking about harming one of our soldiers, so he had to be killed. After all, Iraq will never be truly free as long as there are any Iraqis left alive. Eventually, the world will come around to our inspired way of thinking.

Next thing, you'll be trying to tell me the Moon Landings actually happened in 1969. Yeah, right. What do you think I am, stoopid?

Everybody Knows is a trademark of Fox "News"; Rush Limbaugh Productions; [Ann Coulter's] Foul Mouth Enterprises; and the Christian Fascist Republican Party.

1 comment:

Gene said...

pretty obvious this putz is not a frequent reader of the Gene Bob blog, or (s)he'd understand my sarcasm. then again, i guess there are sufficient right AND left wingers out there who are incapable of understanding sarcasm, that I should keep it at a minimum, so as to avoid promoting civil insurrection.

at any rate, this was probably a "seagull" comment, where someone swoops in, makes a nasty comment, and then flys off, never to be seen/heard from again.