Monday, November 1

Lost In Translation (Osama Style)

I'm commonly fascinated about translation; eons ago, I blogged about an experiment where I used the Multi-Babel Translator to translate a common American phrase into a 2nd language, then back to English, then to a 3rd language, and so forth until 5 iterations were complete. The final result was incomprehensible gibberish (much like GWB during the recent debates).

So, you shouldn't be surprised to know that I was spellbound, reading A Tale of Two Osamas which shows Osama bin Laden's recent monologue .. side by side (compare the translations by CNN and al Jazeera).

Unrelated ...

I see that GWB is going to speak at a rally at SMU at 10pm tonight, as he makes his way to Crawford to vote tomorrow. Guess he didn't know he could've voted via absentee ballot, unless he knows something about those ballots (think: voter fraud) that we don't know. Then again, maybe he's looking forward to another photo op (you know, like the one at that grade school on 9/11). I hope they have some children's books for him to read, while he stands in line.

What do you bet that he'll be seen chopping wood on his ranch Tuesday afternoon? One thing he certainly will not be doing is taking Jenna and Barbara to the draft board to sign up for service.

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