Wednesday, July 28

come into my parlor ...

... said the spider to the fly.

It only a matter of time before someone (probably one of my easily-duped relatives from one of the red states) forwards one of the emails making the rounds, purporting to show John Kerry or John Edwards as someone who dines on small children during the new moon (or something equally awful). I plan to gleefully Reply-All showing that the information was a hoax.

I have yet to see one of these in my inbox, but since I subscribe to the RSS feed on Snopes' Urban Legends Reference Pages (Politics), I did get an advance warning of them.

I suppose the thing that bothers me more than anything else .. more than someone having been duped .. more than them forwarding blatant lies without ever bothering to check the facts .. is that they won't take responsibility once they've been shown to be wrong. I have yet to see anyone send a message to the original distribution which said "I was wrong, I was duped .. here's the truth ..."

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