Tuesday, August 24

Olympic Athlete Veterans for Truth

The time (earlier this month) when GWB showed he had no clue what Tribal Sovereignty meant was bad enough (see the Q&A with Mark Trahant, widely available on the web). It was like watching a high schooler asked to define a word he'd never heard before.

Now GWB can't even admit he hasn't watched the Olympics. What is so hard about him telling the truth, even for something this inconsequential? He could've answered "I really haven't watched the Olympics," but noooooo ... he had to (try to) lie:

REPORTER 1: You're not going to Athens this week, are you?

GWB: Athens, Texas?

REPORTER 1: Nope, the Olympics, in Greece.

GWB: Oh, the Olympics? No, I'm not.

REPORTER 2: Have you been watching them?

GWB: Oh, yeah, yeah, it's been exciting.

REPORTER 2: Any particular moment stand out?

GWB: Umm -- particular moment? I like the -- let's see -- uhhhh -- Iraqi soccer. I liked -- I liked seeing the Afghan woman carrying the flag coming in. I loved, uhh -- you know, our gymnasts. I've been watching the swimming. I've seen a lot, yeah. Listen, thank you all.

-- 23 August 2004

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