which means (in theory):We spent the remainder of the day watching movies: Paris, Texas (1984) (clearly one of the most bubbly films of all time) and then Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle (2004) (a highbrow documentary, also of epic proportions). What can I say, but .. boom goes the dynamite!
Please do not park in the parking lots of our neighbors. They will enforce towing on their properties. Thank you for your co-operation. -Management
Speaking of dynamite, the nearest White Castle (aka The WC Lounge) appears to be in St Louis, a mere 637 miles away (the Nashville location is 23 miles further). Anyone up for a road trip?
I know this is sacrilege, but I've always considered White Castle and Krystal to be clones. At least as far as their small square burgers are concerned.
And the good news is that there is a Krystal in Carrollton (SE corner of Midway and Trinity Mills according to Google maps).
And if that's just not good enough, I'm pretty sure that I've seen White Castle burgers in the frozen food section of the local TomThumbKrogerAlbertson.
Indeed, this is sacrilege, William-Bob. I've eaten both White Castle and Krystal, and other than the size of the burger, there's little comparison.
Krystal has always been a dry, tasteless cousin of the White Castle ("slider") .. and while the frozen sliders I've seen in the local groceries (and Sam's Club) are better than nothing, it's still not like the original.
I went to the Carrollton Krystal location, partly to see if'n I could find it, and partly to see what a real Krystal's menu is like nowadays (they've expanded). I tried one of their burgers last year while on a road trip to Mifipi, but it was at one of those "combo stores" along the interstate highway, which merges a 7-11 (clone) with something else .. in this case, a Krystal burger drive-thru.
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